Fireworks for the Festa del Redentore Venezia


Fireworks and celebrations in the street, a thanksgiving mass and a flotilla of Venetian barges – no, this is not a celebration of Italy’s win in the 2021 Euro Cup this past week but something more ancient and arguably even more important.

This weekend Venetians will celebrate the Festa del Redentore, the Feast of the Redeemer, an annual event that gives thanks to the Madonna for the city’s redemption from the plague of 1575-1577. 

This major plague decimated the population of Venice, with an estimated death toll of around 55,000 people, about a third of the city’s population. The brilliant Venetian painter Tiziano (Titian) was just one of those who died. Desperate for an end to his people’s suffering, Doge Alvise I Mocenigo promised the Madonna that he would build a church as an offering and make an annual thanksgiving if she would rid the city of the disease.

The doge’s prayer was answered and the city delivered from the plague. The Renaissance architect Andrea Palladio was promptly commissioned to build Il Redentore as a votive offering on the island of Giudecca across the lagoon from the main island. Every year since, on the third weekend of July, Venice has honoured the doge’s promise, with Venetians and visitors alike gathering to celebrate the end of the pestilence.

Main image (above) by Marco Chilese on Unsplash

Chiesa del Redentore in Venice

The Chiesa del Redentore on Giudecca
Image by Luukas, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Those who have spent time in Venice may be familiar with the vaporetto stop called Zattere, where you board the vaporetto that will take you across to Giudecca. Zattere literally means ‘pontoon’ and it refers to the pontoon bridge that was set up for the grateful inhabitants to walk across from the main island to visit Il Redentore. The bridge is erected every year and its official opening signals the beginning of the festival, which goes on to celebrate the city’s deliverance with a huge fireworks display, a regatta of traditional boats along the Giudecca canal and a holy mass at Il Redentore.

Venetians have maintained this important annual festival for over 400 years with a single exception: ironically the event was cancelled in 2020 because of the Covid19 epidemic. We join with all Italians in welcoming the return of the Festa del Redentore this year in anticipation of a brighter future in the months to come.

The pontoon bridge linking Zattere and Giudecca
Image byAisano, CC BY-SA 4.0 and found on Wikimedia Commons